Mass Intentions & Candle Sponsorships

If you would like to honor a loved one (deceased or living) with a Mass, please contact the Parish Office either in person or by telephone at 480-488-2229 to schedule a date and time. You will receive a beautiful mass card either to keep or to give to the person's family with all of the Mass Intention information. The recommended donation is $10.00.

Sanctuary & Adoration Chapel Candles

All Catholic Churches have Our Blessed Lord in repose at all times in the Tabernacle on the Altar and in their Adoration Chapel (if they have one). Next to the Tabernacle is a candle that must be perpetually lit to indicate the presence of Our Lord.

We now offer our parishioners the opportunity to sponsor either a Sanctuary Candle or an Adoration Chapel Candle in memory of a loved one.

We publish these memorials in our bulletin each week and the sponsor receives a card that they can give to the family of the person they are remembering. You may sponsor a candle for a $20 donation by visiting the office or calling the office at 480-488-2229.