The Hard Choices

by Fr. Clement, VC  |  03/10/2024  |  Weekly Reflection

We are almost halfway through Lent. For some of us, the journey has been fruitful, yet for some others it has been a real challenge. The recognition that we often take two steps forward and one step backward can be discouraging. We are at the point where we are questioning our own sincerity. The fact is that we must repeat and renew our choices over and over again.

Lent is a time of choosing. It is a time to choose to press on, no matter what. In a special way, Lent is a time to make some hard choices too. Life is tough sometimes, and tough times demand tough choices. Maybe this is the time to make that tough choice to stay away from the near occasion of sin. A time to do those things we need to do to fight against our addiction. A time to break off a toxic or harmful relationship. A time to show some tough love to any of our kids who is not responding to our guidance. A time to restrain the desire to gamble. A time to learn how to say I’m sorry when I’m wrong. A time to forgive that person who hurt you so badly.

What is that hard choice the Lord is inviting you to make? What is preventing you from doing so? Is it fear? Is it shame? Is it pride? Or is it because of the pleasure I enjoy from that habit? The thing is, you know very well how your decision not to make that hard choice is ripping you off, how it is affecting your life, your marriage, your health, your job, your relationship with your kids, and even your relationship with God.

Is the decision not to make that hard choice worth losing your life, your marriage, your job, your health, your family, your peace? Tough times demand tough choices. Think about it.

May the Lord help us to see those places in our lives where we need to make those hard choices and give us the grace and courage to do so. Amen!