We Surrender To Win

by Fr. Clement, VC  |  02/25/2024  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Family of God,

Experience has shown that most Christians desire so much to do God’s will but often find themselves resisting Him. Anyone who has been through this experience knows it can sometimes be overwhelming. The remedy to this conflict is Surrender. Lent is a good time to seek this grace.

But what exactly does it mean to surrender to God? To surrender is to fully acknowledge that God is my owner, Master, Shepherd, Father, my treasure, my wisdom, my hope, my source of fullest and lasting pleasure. I renounce finding all of that in me. I look for it now in God because I am utterly His.

Surrendering one’s life to God isn’t easy, and it’s not a quick fix. It happens piece by slow piece over time for those who are truly committed. One of the reasons we are afraid of surrendering our lives completely to the Lord is because we have FOMO-Fear of Missing Out. We recognize in us an excessive desire for comfort and a fear that life might feel bland and boring without treating myself to some kind of unhealthy pleasure. But friends, when we are committed to surrendering our lives to the Lord, we discover that our life is less complicated. And we begin to enjoy more clarity, more internal freedom, and more peace.

This Lent, let us ask the Lord to increase our desire to surrender more to Him, Amen!