April 18

by David Lins  |  04/18/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Readings for the Day: ACTS 4:13-21 PS 118:1, 14-21 MK 16:9-15

Today’s Gospel ends with Jesus challenging the eleven with the following words, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.”

I’ve shared in the past how full churches were in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. I am in NO WAY about to say this is a bigger tragedy than 9/11. I am not. But this hit the Church in a way that tragedy never did. This shut down Mass. This took away the Sacraments.

I’m not sure if you knew it, but our parish was recently on the local news (3AZTV) because you filled our parish with your pictures for Easter weekend. My prayer is that we flood back to the Church in such a special way that a news crew comes back! Not for our glory, but for the glory of God.)

For now, keep checking in on the parish website. Don’t stop utilizing www.formed.org (signing in as a member of our parish so it’s free). Don’t stop checking our YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLi5m0VzxhzM_ld0e8OX3MQ). Don’t stop following our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/OLOJCarefree/).

Soon? It will be time – once again – to go into the whole world.

David is the Director of Faith Formation at Our Lady of Joy. If you have comments or questions, send your emails to dlins@oloj.org.

As we have lost our weekly collection income, we can only maintain our current staff for a limited time without your help. Please spread the word and sign up for auto-pay or make whatever donation you can at www.ezekielgiving.com/App/Giving/oloj.