Volunteer Opportunities


The Stewardship office and committee members work to solicit, train and place volunteers within the life of the parish community. In addition to working with volunteers, the Stewardship office and committee members work to ensure that ministries are supported and volunteers are appreciated.

We Need Your Help

Our parish is in need of volunteers in a variety of different ministries. Please see our Ministry & Resources booklet (available in the narthex and in the parish office) for a complete list of ministries and their volunteer opportunities. Since it is often difficult to see our own giftedness, ask a friend or family member what gifts they observe in you. Knowing our gifts helps us discern the ministries that best fit our abilities. God has given you special gifts and talents. There are talents you possess that you don’t even know about. Each and every person has been created and gifted in a unique and completely individual manner. God created you with these spiritual gifts for your benefit and for the benefit of others. You and only you can offer the gifts you have been given. Please prayerfully consider offering your gifts back to God through service within the parish community. Once you have identified your own special gifts, please contact the Stewardship office at lharo@oloj.org and we will contact you and help you get started serving within our wonderful community at Our Lady of Joy.

Prayer for Discernment

Come Holy Spirit, come. Fill me with your gifts of wisdom and understanding. Open my eyes that I may see the path God has laid before me. Open my ears that I may hear His call. Open my heart that I may know and share His love with others. Holy Spirit guide me as I discern the gifts I have been given and help me to offer them back without reserve to the Father for the benefit of His people. Clear my life of distractions and obstacles so that I may respond to His call. Come Holy Spirit come and enkindle in me a burning desire to share my unique giftedness and the courage to step forward. Amen Christ has no body on earth but ours, no hands but ours, no feet but ours. Ours are the eyes through which the compassion of Christ looks upon the world, ours are the feet with which he goes about doing good, ours are the hands with which he blesses his people.

St. Teresa of Avila