We Are Not Imposters

by David Lins  |  05/30/2021  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

In just two days, my debut novel will begin shipping. And I need to thank all of you who have reached out to inquire about the title, plot, genre, and where to get a copy. It has meant the world to me. In fact, it is the fulfillment of a dream I’ve had since I was a child.

I already have my personal copy. (You get an advance copy shipped to you so you can make sure there are no major errors in the print.) And something funny happened when I opened that box and removed a novel with my name on it. It still didn’t feel real.



by David Lins  |  05/23/2021  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Imagine a near-dystopian future where the United States has continued to slide away from the Faith to the point where speaking out against the culture and/ or the government gets you thrown in jail. But it isn’t just the authorities you have to worry about. Your primary enemy has become your fellow citizen. The vast majority are drinking the Kool Aid and will permit no dissent. Violence against those swimming against the tide is swift and carried out by self-appointed watchers.


Saints Among Us

by David Lins  |  05/16/2021  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

It’s been a long time since I mentioned the saints among us: you individuals who attend Mass faithfully every Sunday (and sometimes more often than that) all alone. Let me define this a bit more specifically: all of you who travel alone in a vehicle to the Church.

The truth is this: any of you could skip out on Mass. If questioned, you could lie and say you attended another Mass or even another parish. Yet, you come. You worship.


“Love One Another As I Have Loved You.”

by David Lins  |  05/09/2021  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

“Love one another as I have loved you.”

Simple words. But we all know simple words don’t always equate to simple execution.

“Till death do us part” for example. :) The concept is simple, but the sacrament of marriage takes prayer, sweat, and occasional tears. Am I right?

So...back to “love one another as I have loved you.”


Covid Safety Measures - Updated May 5, 2021

05/05/2021  |  News

Please click here for the latest information about our virus safety measures that are in accordance with the most recent recommendations from the Diocese of Phoenix.


  • It is recommended, but not required, to wear a mask inside the church.
  • Continue

“I am the Vine, You are the Branches."

by David Lins  |  05/02/2021  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Welcome to May in Arizona. You know what that means. Everything dies.

Starting in May...and lasting until...uh...Halloween...the temperatures go through the roof. You know. The roof we will all be hiding beneath for months on end.

Can you tell I’m not a fan of Arizona summers?

Why? I enjoy the color green. I need the outdoors. And I love it when things grow.
