October 25

by David Lins  |  10/25/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

It is a fallacy that separation of Church and state means that the Church can no longer teach moral truths when any of those moral truths have clear and direct implications on anything that may be in a political party’s platform. This would clearly result in the state’s ability to snatch up every toy on the floor (every issue they can think of), effectively neutering the Church’s voice on any issue of consequence— the effect being “The Ten Commandments” turning into “The Four Commandments...As Long As The State Doesn’t Have Something To Say About Them.”

Now that we’ve covered that, I’d love to zoom in a bit.


October 18

by David Lins  |  10/18/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

This weekend, we hear Jesus say, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to the Lord what belongs to the Lord.”

So, pay your taxes, stop pretending the 101 is the autobahn, and be informed when you vote. But give your entire life to God.

“But what about the separation of Church and state?!” (I can hear some of you screaming it.)

I’ve read the Bible. You probably have, too. I currently cannot remember where Jesus said anything about the separation of Church and state. And, no… “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to the Lord what belongs to the Lord,” doesn’t qualify.

Give to the Lord what is the Lord’s. YOU are the Lord’s. Everything you do is the Lord’s. Every single day. What you do between midnight and… midnight… is the Lord’s.


October 11

by David Lins  |  10/11/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

There are studies all over the place that show the importance of holding infants as much as possible (www.time.com/504/how-cuddling-saves-tiny-babies/), and this shouldn’t be a shock to us. Humanity was created to express and receive appropriate physical expressions of love.

One of the most insidious aspects of this virus is the choice every relationship has had to make, weighing the benefits of this essential aspect of the human experience vs. the potential health risks to the other— and one’s self.

It isn’t a decision others can make for you. And it isn’t a decision anyone should have to make.

You know what one of the things I’m looking forward to the most? Throwing a big dinner party. I don’t know when it will happen, only that it will. And you can bet backs will be slapped, hands will be shaken, and hugs will be given to close friends. It will probably be an amazing pot luck.


October 4

by David Lins  |  10/04/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Hey everyone.

Update: Life still isn’t normal. I mean...the other day… I put a mask on as I entered a bank so I wouldn’t be tackled by security. (Read that sentence again.)

Here is some free advice to survive the apocalypse:

Keep trying to live free of worry. Let God know what you need and thank Him for what you have. Do this, and you’ll have a peace that doesn’t make sense to this world. They won’t understand it is God himself who gives you this peace.

Focus on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, gracious, and anything worthy of praise. Keep on doing what you know God would have you do for Him and others. Do this and God’s peace will be with you.
