May 18

by David Lins  |  05/18/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Today’s Readings: ACTS 16:11-15 PS 149:1-6, 9 JN 15:26-16:4

I’d like to inspire you with the story of a little girl who will be turning three in just under a month.

Georgiana was not born with a halo because her daddy works for the Church. She does not like going to sleep and makes it a daily challenge. She stretches my attention span at every dinner by eating like a sloth at half speed. She also makes so much noise when she runs in the house that the volume defies the laws of physics for someone that little.

Okay. She is an amazing child and it took effort to come up with those few incidental issues. But I want to take away your excuses for what I’m about to tell you.

Every single night, we pray as a family just before story time. The other night, my wife asked her if she wanted to lead the prayer. She nodded. This is what was said…

“Bah dot (thank you) Jeejee (Jesus) for my good food, watch shows, Fozzie Bear (a tiny old plastic one inch muppet figure she adores), mommy, daddy, (unintelligible). Amen.” This was followed by a 75% accurate sign of the cross.

She just felt comfortable leading our family in spontaneous prayer. Why? She has had it modeled for her (and participated in it) on a daily basis.

As someone who worked directly with Catholic teens for 18 years, it isn’t too late to begin modeling this when they are in middle school or high school. And even if your children have already moved out decades ago and have children of their own, begin modeling the Faith for them now. Never have anyone visit your home without praying before a meal, before bed, and any other time you deem appropriate.

You aren’t in heaven yet. It isn’t too late. Be brave.

David is the Director of Faith Formation at Our Lady of Joy.

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