March 23

by David Lins  |  03/23/2020  |  (Being) Catholic Matters

Readings for the Day: Is 65:17-21, Psalm 30:2, 4-6, 11-12A, 13B Jn 4:43-54

Our televisions are filled with press conferences. Our streaming services are populated with movies like “Flu,” “Contagion,” and “Outbreak.” Our radios are overflowing with conflicting doomsday statistics. Our roads are empty and our grocery stores look like something from a dystopian novel.

So, what do we do?

A year or two ago, we had an incident in our church. Someone (who seemed to have some mental issues) was behaving very erratically and posed a danger to those around her. Several people scrambled to help and one member of our congregation with extensive military training went straight to the fire alarm and pulled it. He knew the situation was serious and took appropriate action without the slightest hint of panic. His calm response cleared the church quickly and made it easier to handle the potentially dangerous situation.

In times like these, we take potentially dangerous situations seriously. We know what to do. But we don’t panic, either.

Read today’s readings. No really. In a new tab, open and read them before we continue. I’ll wait right here.

There is a whole bunch of hope and healing in those words. And this is what our Faith provides.

Peace will not be easy to maintain as we see numbers rise and people we know test positive. But we also know that – like the son in today’s Gospel – the vast majority will recover. We know when all the numbers begin to fall, there shall be rejoicing and happiness. We will be rescued. And we will gather around our Father’s table again.

Jesus, we trust in you. Jesus, we trust in you. Jesus, we trust in you.

David is the Director of Faith Formation at Our Lady of Joy.

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